Why are some scientifically special topic are OK but, some orher just say “it is not science”? Who decides “Yes” or “No”? The “Program Ozama” (from Princess Ozama, ruler of fictional land of Oz) began to search (from 1960 on) for extraterrestrial civilizations. Later it changed to SETI and today there are millions of fans […]

I always knew that history is much more than just “years”, “names”, “battles”, “art” etc., it is more like the uninterrupted life upon life upon life – the continuum of life in other words. The Hutterite people’s past is such a history starting around 1520 AD, from the Anabaptist, the very first reform after Luther. […]

Pentru prima dată o să încerc să fac un amalgam de fapte și păreri (probabil pentru că – nu știu de ce! — numai sunt tânăr) și de aceea am ajuns să fiu în “abisul (nu turnul!) de fildeș” – doar sunt speolog și geolog! Începem cu Bulgaria și descoperirile câtorva tezaure de aur. Știim […]

Ever since the 18th century, geologists believed that all natural processes are gradual and slow. As a result of this, Charles Lyell and his 3 volumes – “Principles of Geology” – eventually become a postulate. So entrenched was this status quo that only in 1993, professor Derek Ager dared to change (yet only a little!) […]

Highlights • Maritime transport, cars, airplane, industrialization & pollution all clearly impact the climate.• Every time important extinctions occurred there was also a clear drop in temperature.• Every important extinction had large amount of igneous provincial basalt.• Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez & Co. are marxist activists & Aldous Huxley (1962) said that science became a dictatorship.• Dr. […]

Emil Silvestru USA has less than 300 years of history and bias and, of course, its political bias first and foremost. Europe has more than 3000 years of history & bias, Asia and Africa more than 5000 years of history & bias. So which one is preferable? To me it is the USA. After the […]

by Emil Silvestru After a very long time of just myths, in seems that now the “El Dorado” is actually real. Long before the European first landed in America, for thousands of years – in the Amazonian rainforest – there was as many as 10 million people, with many cities and villages. New Scientist, January […]

In 2018 a new book called “A Chronology of Art – A Time of Western Culture from Prehistory to the Present” edited by Iain Zaczek (Thames & Hudson). Seldom I’ve seen such a strange and bias book! The fact they ignore the oldest temple in the world – Göbekli Tepe, 11000 years ago in Turkey […]

    ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNIC Progressivism, political and social-reform movement that brought major changes to American politics and government during the first two decades of the 20th century.     “…with the common objective of strengthening the national government and making it more responsive to popular economic, social, and political demands.” It means more government. NEO-PRGRESSIVES […]