Until about 75 years, the school was primarily about how to learn more quickly and efficiently until the high school level. The teachers were respected and the students wanted to finish high school as quickly and ‘smoothly’ as possible.Unfortunately, soon after the Second World War, the psychologists intervened brutally and everything changed because of that. […]

DESPRE ÎNVĂȚĂMINTELE UNUI VEAC DE EVOLUŢIONISM ŞI O ALTERNATIVĂ PENTRU CEL DE AL TREILEA MILENIUdeEmil SILVESTRU (Publicată în anul 2000) O scurtă istorie Atunci când André Malraux, probabil sub influența devastatoare a ororilor celor două conflagrații ale celui de al douăzecilea secol, profețea că “secolul al douăzecişiunulea va fi religios sau nu va fi de […]

Being a geologist, time is measured differently but, because to me (at least), history is just extension of geology, I noticed that for more than 100 years there have been no big volcanic eruptions. This is quite remarkable! In the 19th century, for example, the Krakatoa (1883) and especially Toba (1815) eruptions were really large! […]

I believe that the first real “Propaganda” was made by Joseph Goebbels, by means of Radio and affordable radio, called “The Volksempfänger” (“people’s receiver”), with long and medium wave in all Germany & other nearby countries. Through the means of the radio, Goebbels and sometime Hitler spoke every day to all people in Germany. Only […]

Emil Silvestru I have often wondered: why in antiquity there were kings and empires on most of the continents, but not on North America? One possible reason is because North America is very large and has vast prairies while Central and South America, are much smaller in surface, or because in South America, the Andes […]

I always knew that history is much more than just “years”, “names”, “battles”, “art” etc., it is more like the uninterrupted life upon life upon life – the continuum of life in other words. The Hutterite people’s past is such a history starting around 1520 AD, from the Anabaptist, the very first reform after Luther. […]

Emil Silvestru USA has less than 300 years of history and bias and, of course, its political bias first and foremost. Europe has more than 3000 years of history & bias, Asia and Africa more than 5000 years of history & bias. So which one is preferable? To me it is the USA. After the […]

Here is finally the update you have all been waiting for and which we ask apologies for not being able to update sooner. As you might have noticed the updates are written by either me or Alexandra. This is one of the ways we help our parents. But the last few months were also for […]

Hello to all our dear friends and colleagues! Please forgive our long gap in updating the blog, but we’ve been caught up in the bureaucratic world of disability applications and medical tests. We are happy to tell you that we see a considerable improvement in Emil’s speech, reading and writing abilities while his communication is […]